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Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base

Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)

Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!




Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
GCSE Christianity  - THE ULTIMATE KS4 RESOURCE PACK [Over 220 Files!]

GCSE Christianity - THE ULTIMATE KS4 RESOURCE PACK [Over 220 Files!]

3 Resources
Contains all the resources I made and used over 3 years. Focusses on Christianity but also contains a fair amount on Humanism. Adaptable to most GCSE Religious Studies Specifications and covers the topics: Philosophy of Religion -Nature of Deity -Death & The Afterlife -Religion & Science -The Nature of Good & Evil Applied Ethics -Medical Ethics -Human Relationships -War & Peace -Equality I have also included a useful tool for creating activities, plenaries etc in Philosophy and Religion lessons that I hope you will find useful. . Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES! GCSE Religious Studies Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit) Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units) Christianity (Thematic Studies Units) Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit) Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units) Islam (Thematic Studies Units) . .    GCSE Sociology Resources Complete Units (Whole Course) .  AS/A2 Revision Sessions OCR Religious Studies AQA Philosophy AQA Sociology .  Philosophy for Children (P4C) The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack The Debating Society Toolkit Philosophy Boxes . . Other Tools A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!) KS3 RE Units
GCSE Sociology - Marxism, Education & Family

GCSE Sociology - Marxism, Education & Family

This is for the legacy spec, brand new resources have been uploaded for the 2017 spec onwards. If you are teaching the new specification DO NOT BUT THIS RESOURCE: BUY OUR NEW STUFF! This lesson introduces Marxism and connects the Marxist Sociological view to topics of Education and Family. Contents of this download comprise material for 2-3 lessons, depending on students’ abilities. It features a full lesson PPT, a double sided information sheet introducing Marxism, and a selection of pictures for a poster design task. These information sheet and the poster design pictures can be used in a revision task, or a stand-alone lesson (“Design a poster about Marxism and The Family/Education”) It features clear Learning Objectives, and each task is linked to these learning objectives.
Form Time Debate Bundle

Form Time Debate Bundle

4 Resources
690+ Debates, presented in a variety of fun and engaging formats. Topics include: Philosophy Ethics History Mathematics . Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES! GCSE Religious Studies Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit) Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units) Christianity (Thematic Studies Units) Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit) Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units) Islam (Thematic Studies Units) .    GCSE Sociology Resources Complete Units (Whole Course) .  AS/A2 Revision Sessions OCR Religious Studies AQA Philosophy AQA Sociology .  Philosophy for Children (P4C) The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack The Debating Society Toolkit Philosophy Boxes . . Other Tools A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!) KS3 RE Units
The Maths Debate Generator (100 Debates and Discussions + Randomiser) [P4C] [Cross-Curricular] [Fun]

The Maths Debate Generator (100 Debates and Discussions + Randomiser) [P4C] [Cross-Curricular] [Fun]

Created by a Philosophy teacher and experienced formal debater in collaboration with his colleagues in the Maths department. This PPT file contains 100 debates and discussion relevant to the study of mathematics and, especially, ‘The Philosophy of Mathematics’ (allowing teachers to bring P4C [philosophy for children] into the Maths classroom). The presentation is complete with exciting animated graphics to foster engagement! The file contains a randomiser slide, allowing a random debate topic to be generated. Each debate slide asks students to move from one side of the room or the other to make their position clear: teachers should then use questioning to foster a debate between students, encouraging them to present reasons for their choice and defend their position. Uses: -Effortless planning of Maths lessons -Instant cover lessons -Debating societies -Maths P4C (Philosophy for children) cross-curricular resource -Making best use of spare time at the end of lessons -Form time activities -Developing speaking and communication skills -SMSC (deals with some moral and spiritual issues in relation to maths) Topics are generally accessible to all ages, but the product is designed with KS3-5 in mind. Thank you for taking the time to look at this product: if you are interested in other debate generating products I have also made similar products relating to Philosophy, Moral Dilemmas, and History.
GCSE - Buddhism (OCR B) Personal Learning Checklist [PLC] [Essential Revision Tool](J625/04)

GCSE - Buddhism (OCR B) Personal Learning Checklist [PLC] [Essential Revision Tool](J625/04)

This is the Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for the religion of Buddhism for GCSE level students following the OCR B Full-Course Specification: for the 'Beliefs, Teachings & Practices' section of the course [section A]. In other words: it is a PLC covering the topics students need to know for the first year of study, for the religion of Buddhism. If you are teaching this religion for OCR B R.S. - this is a great tool for your students to help them keep track of their learning, and help you monitor the classes strengths and weaknesses. It serves as a highly efficient form of self-assessment. On the reverse of the sheet are other useful measures that allow teachers to gauge a student's confidence and reflective abilities. The Personal Learning Checklists (PLC): -Allows the student to see clearly what they need to know for the exam. -Allows the student to communicate to their teacher how they can be best helped. -Gets the student to analyse their progress in relation to their target grade. -Encourages students to reflect in a structured manner on their necessary revision focusses. -Gets students to establish both a revision and an exam technique focus.
Generic Worksheet Templates (Time-Saving Tool for Resource Creation) [Worksheet Activity Generator]

Generic Worksheet Templates (Time-Saving Tool for Resource Creation) [Worksheet Activity Generator]

This file contains a large collection of worksheet templates and worksheet activities: thus allowing you to create worksheets and plan lessons with greater speed and efficiency. It is ideal for: -New teachers -Teacher training -Teachers who need to design new course materials. The cover image illustrates some of the activities contained within this download. This resource pack includes: -'Garden of Knowledge' worksheet, to accompany videos (great for cover lessons) -Agree/Disagree A3 Worksheets for discussion based lessons -A document containing a large collection of individual tasks allowing you to compile your own worksheets in a more efficient and timely manner. -Feedback, Assessment & Peer Assessment tools. The resource was developed whilst I taught philosophy, religion, ethics and sociology though all tasks and worksheets are easily adaptable to any subject.


10 Resources
This bundle contains: -‘What does it mean to be moral?’ [7 Lesson Course] -Buddhism [9 Lesson Course] -‘What was the Holocaust?’ [9Lesson Course] -3 x Christianity Units -Sikhism [9 Lesson Course] -Islam [9 Lesson Course] -P4C (Philosophy 4 Children) [8-Lesson Course] -Mandala Colouring Pack -Activity Generator (for RS/Philosophy/Humanities) -Symbols Quiz -Two free demos of our ‘debate generators’ to try in your lessons. . Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES! GCSE Religious Studies Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit) Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units) Christianity (Thematic Studies Units) Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit) Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units) Islam (Thematic Studies Units) .    GCSE Sociology Resources Complete Units (Whole Course) .  AS/A2 Revision Sessions OCR Religious Studies AQA Philosophy AQA Sociology .  Philosophy for Children (P4C) The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack The Debating Society Toolkit Philosophy Boxes . Other Tools A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!) KS3 RE Units
A Collection of Starter, Main and Plenary Activities (Activity Generator)

A Collection of Starter, Main and Plenary Activities (Activity Generator)

This resource is designed to make the creation of PPT presentations/lessons very quick and easy and includes: -Introduction slides -Learning Activities -Plenary Tasks -MAF There are over 100 slides. In terms of design: slides may feature timers, animations, and stimulating graphics. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist in my design and hope it comes across in the slides. Thanks in advance for supporting my work: I hope it saves you a lot of time!
Activity Generator: Starters, Main Tasks, Plenaries (Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!)

Activity Generator: Starters, Main Tasks, Plenaries (Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!)

This resource is designed to make the creation of PPT presentations/lessons very quick and easy and includes: -Introduction slides -Learning Activities -Plenary Tasks -MAF There are over 100 slides. In terms of design: slides may feature timers, animations, and stimulating graphics. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist in my design and hope it comes across in the slides. Thanks in advance for supporting my work: I hope it saves you a lot of time!
Philosophy & Religion Symbols Quiz [Perfect for end of term fun lessons!]

Philosophy & Religion Symbols Quiz [Perfect for end of term fun lessons!]

This download features a high-quality ‘symbols’ quiz and an answer-sheet. It’s a great activity (which takes an entire lesson) for any RE/RS/Philosophy/Citizenship/Humanities teacher to have up their sleeve! The Quiz PPT includes: -A starter question for when students are entering the room -An introduction/instructions slide -30 Symbols for the religions, concepts, and mainstream things (for fun!) This activity is perfect for: -KS3 ‘Symbols’ lessons (Religion & Philosophy) -End of term/year quizzes -Emergency cover lessons -Form time fun activities The educational value is in educating students about important symbols.
(FREE DEMO) Activity Generator (Humanities/RS/Philosophy) - Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!

(FREE DEMO) Activity Generator (Humanities/RS/Philosophy) - Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!

Please enjoy this free 10-slide sample of our full product: “Activity Generator (Humanities/RS/Philosophy) - Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!” It can be downloaded for £9.99 at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/activity-generator-humanities-rs-philosophy-design-beautiful-ppts-in-no-time-11374857 About the full product: This resource is the product of 3 years teaching RS & Philosophy and, under observations, the lessons it has helped create have all been rated as good-outstanding. It is designed to make the creation of PPT presentations/lessons very quick and easy and includes: -Introduction slides -Learning Activities -Plenary Tasks -MAF There are over 130 slides. Most of the contents are easily adaptable to other subjects (especially Humanities subjects). Most activities are designed with differentiation in mind. In terms of design: slides may feature timers, animations, and stimulating graphics. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist in my design and hope it comes across in the slides. Thanks in advance for supporting my work: I hope it saves you a lot of time, improves your practice, and helps your students learn in an exciting and stimulating way. Sincerely, Adam Godwin
Beautiful Worksheets for: Assessment, Feedback, Corrections, Reflective Practice:

Beautiful Worksheets for: Assessment, Feedback, Corrections, Reflective Practice:

These resources were designed for KS3 Philosophy & Religion, OCB B GCSE Religious Studies and AQA Philosophy. All templates are easily adaptable to other subjects. They are designed for busy teachers to save time, assessment and target setting is stream-lined for maximum efficiency and relevance. Design is based on best-practice guidelines: -Tells students how to improve -Specify corrections and follow-up tasks -Based on exam mark-schemes and KS3 assessment criteria -Reflect on practice exam questions: analyse areas for improvement (KS4/5) -Easily allows for peer, self and teacher assessment -Includes a ‘presentation assessment sheet’ for students/classes who struggle with presentation. -Easily adapted for whole-school MAF policy. Most feedback sheets can be printed 4/A4 page making this a cost effective, quick, clear and engaging way to help students improve. Please see attached image for samples.
Activity Generator (Humanities/RS/Philosophy) - Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!

Activity Generator (Humanities/RS/Philosophy) - Design Beautiful PPTs in no time!

This resource is the product of 3 years teaching RS & Philosophy and, under observations, the lessons it has helped create have all been rated as good-outstanding. It is designed to make the creation of PPT presentations/lessons very quick and easy and includes: -Introduction slides -Learning Activities -Plenary Tasks -MAF There are over 100 slides. Most of the contents are easily adaptable to other subjects (especially Humanities subjects). Most activities are designed with differentiation in mind. In terms of design: slides may feature timers, animations, and stimulating graphics. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist in my design and hope it comes across in the slides. Thanks in advance for supporting my work: I hope it saves you a lot of time, improves your practice, and helps your students learn in an exciting and stimulating way. Sincerely, Adam Godwin